Interoperability as a Key to Better Perioperative Care

“I’m able to save a lot of money, not having to spend so much on scribes. But more importantly, when the information is transcribed, there’s no error.”
Dr. Robert Paul Fischer, senior partner, Dallas Internal Medicine Group

Practice Info

  • Dallas Internal Medicine Group
  • Size: Four providers and support staff
  • Location: Dallas, Texas
  • Perioperative care
  • Service Area: Greater Dallas area
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As a perioperative care practice, Dallas Internal Medicine Group practitioners practice out of several hospitals, moving among patients, care settings, and various EHR systems, thus multiplying the challenges that come with multiple healthcare IT systems. DIMG needed a partner capable of developing solutions to its interoperability challenges.


Because DIMG already had the eClinicalWorks EHR in place, they activated the Carequality interface, thus joining one of the nation’s leading networks for the exchange of clinical data. DIMG physicians enjoyed on-demand access to complete patient records and histories, including encounter histories, notes, diagnoses, medications, and allergies.


With an effective interoperability solution in place, DIMG has reduced transcription errors that used to occur during the record transcription process and has made more cost-effective use of its scribes — saving money, helping deliver higher quality medicine, and improving patient safety.

About Dallas Internal Medicine Group

Founded in 1997, Dallas Internal Medicine Group is a four-provider practice focused on perioperative care, the coordination of patient care before, during, and after surgical procedures. Dr. Robert Paul Fischer and his colleagues regularly work with patients and providers at three major hospitals, even of which uses a different EHR, as well as many clinics. In order to ensure complete patient records, smooth transitions of care, and safeguard patient safety, DIMG needed an interoperability solution for seamless transfer of clinical patient data.